Hrach Martirosyan: “We get our soul food from Armenia…”

Youth are a presentable force in all parts of the world. They are the ones shaping the present and the future. Armenian youth in different communities of the Armenian Diaspora have a big, urgent issue, that is, preservation of the Armenian identity, and the youth unions and organizations established in Armenian communities serve for the solution to that major issue.

Recently, I had a third meeting with the very young leader of a youth organization in Kustana region of Kazakhstan Hrach Martirosyan and engaged in a pleasant conversation during which I noticed not as much the changes in Hrach’s mindset and judgments as much as more ideas and judgments and his persistence.

“Hayern Aysor”: Welcome back to the Homeland, Hrach…You visit the Homeland often. What brings you here?

Hrach Martirosyan: Of course, it’s my longing for the Homeland that brings me here. I also have personal and practical goals. I’m very connected to Armenia, the RA Ministry of Diaspora and all programs of the ministry that engage the youth of Armenia and the Armenian Diaspora. I myself have participated in several programs and have taken with me knowledge, good impressions of my new friends and the warmth of Armenia.

“Hayern Aysor”: What organization do you represent?

H. M.: I have been the leader of the youth union of the Armenian community of Kustana city in the Kustana region of Kazakhstan for the past year already, but I used to be one of the union’s active members.

“Hayern Aysor”: Hrach, what are Armenian youth of Kustana most concerned about today?

H. M.: We are mostly concerned about the state of the Armenian language and try to do everything possible to preserve the native language. We mustn’t forget our native language abroad, and unfortunately, it’s very easy for Armenians to become assimilated and lose knowledge of the native language.

“Hayern Aysor”: What methods do you apply to preserve the native language?

H. M.: First, we speak Armenian with each other. Of course, it’s hard, but our decision is final. The loss of the language implies the loss of Armenian identity and the danger of assimilation, and that’s why we’re starting with preservation of the language. Our union includes Armenian youth between the ages of 16 and 22. We gather once a week. We talk, make plans, make interesting proposals and come up with interesting ideas in the native language. We also have an Armenian Sunday school, which serves as a good way of preserving the Armenian language.

“Hayern Aysor”: You just graduated from the university. Do you work by your profession?

H. M.: I graduated from the University of Engineering and Economics, but I haven’t applied for my Master’s degree because I’m involved in community service. I don’t work by my profession. There was a time when I would host a program on Kustana’s local television channel, but now I host events, including festive events, rituals, anniversaries and wedding ceremonies.

“Hayern Aysor”: Hrach, which youth organizations do you work with and in which countries or cities?

H. M.: We have strong ties with the youth organization in Moscow, as well as the youth organizations in Chelyabinsk, Ukraine and Nizhni Novgorod…Well, we definitely work with the youth organizations in Armenia. We get our soul food from Armenia. Distance doesn’t matter to us. We communicate on the Internet, organize press conferences and ask each other for advice. 

“Hayern Aysor”: What events has the youth union organized under your leadership over the past year?

H. M.: We celebrated Mothers’ Day, International Women’s Day, Day of Motherhood and Beauty and commemorated the Armenian Genocide on April 24th as we marched toward our local church with black ribbons, Armenian flags and posters.

“Hayern Aysor”: What clubs are there in the community with Armenian members? 

H. M.: We only have a dance group. I’m working on a substantial and interesting strategic program, one of the objectives of which is to create a choir, a newspaper and a theater company.

“Hayern Aysor”: Why are you the only one from Kazakhstan who is participating in the “Ari Tun” and “Summer School for Young Leaders” programs of the Ministry of Diaspora?

H. M.: Yes, I am the only one. I think it’s due to the family status and environment. Upon my return to Kazakhstan, I had so much to share with my friends and described Armenia so well…I think this will be effective and we will see the results next year. Many Armenian youth of Kustana will participate in this year’s “Ari Tun” Program. About 7 people have already given their consent.

“Hayern Aysor”: What do the Armenian community of Kustana and the youth union lack?

H. M.: We need to have more reciprocal visits. We need to host notable and interesting singers, ambassadors and dance groups from Armenia because we feel the need for them abroad. We lack professionals. We also look forward to meeting with representatives of the RA Ministry of Diaspora. That will inspire us a lot.

“Hayern Aysor”: What interesting plans do you have for the future?

H. M.: I plan on consolidating the small, large, developed and underdeveloped youth organizations of Armenian communities in all cities of Kazakhstan and creating the General Youth Union of Kazakhstan. This will help us become strong and stand united as one and achieve more tangible results.

“Hayern Aysor”: Hrach, is there anything you would like to add?

H. M.: Yes, I would like to congratulate all Armenians on the occasion of Tyarndarach and Saint Sargis Day, wishing them love, faith, hope and unity.

Interview by Karine Avagyan

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