#OurGyumri fundraiser helps raise $562,000

The U.S.-based Armenia Fund raised $562,000 for Gyumri during the 4th annual 7-hour fundraiser for Gyumri held in Los Angeles. This means that more Armenian families of Gyumri will say goodbye to their shacks and move to new and suitable homes.

The cost of one apartment is nearly $25,000 dollars. The telethon gathered the Fund’s benefactors, as well as people living in different corners of the globe. During the telethon, Minister of Diaspora Mkhitar Hayrapetyan made a call and emphasized that the time has come for the Republic of Armenia to become a homeland for living happily and a dignified life, not a place to survive. “There should not be any more “domiks” (shacks) in Armenia, but to make this happen, we need to combine our efforts, stand united as one and be generous to each other. Citizens of the Republic of Armenia have to be and live as dignified people. There is no alternative,” Minister Hayrapetyan said.

The “Our Gyumri” Telethon was held by Armenia Fund, gathering not only the Fund’s benefactors, but also Armenians living in different corners of the globe.

Over the past three years, Armenia Fund has helped 38 families forget living in shacks, and over 2,000 are waiting for their turn.

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