Arsine Kljan met the President of Estonia Kersti Kaljulaid

Recently, President of Estonia Kersti Kaljulaid invited a little girl Arsine Kljan to the presidential residence and congratulated her with active participation in the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Republic of Estonia.
During the meeting, Arsine presented her new picture to the president, where flags were painted with the colors of two countries – Estonia and Armenia, symbolizing the anniversary of the two republics. Kersti Kaljulaid thanked Arsine and was very glad, taking a picture from the small hands of a five-year-old artist. It should be noted that even before the meeting with the President of Estonia, Arsine was invited to the city of Tartu (known in education and culture), where the Armenian Diaspora celebrated the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Republic.
For a five-year-old artist, it was very interesting to be in the center of attention and participate in historical events of great importance for the two countries – Estonia and Armenia. Arsine perfectly speaks two languages. She is very fond of communicating with the public, performing on stage, opening her personal exhibition and participating in international competitions.
She already has diplomas, awards and prizes. Thanks to the talent of Arsine, she often communicates with famous artists, musicians, actors and other artists and cultural figures. The talent and active energy of the little artist were not overlooked by representatives of high-ranking individuals, such as, for example, the princesses of the Kingdom of Indonesia Donna Metzelaar. The princess herself painted a portrait of Arsine and with good wishes presented to her. Last year, Arsine first time visited her historic motherland – Armenia, where she studied drawing at the famous art school of Aram Danielyan.
In the process of studying, she had many bright and beautiful pictures about Armenia. The meeting with the President of Estonia became for the small artist Arsine a new impulse in creative development. In addition to personal acquaintance with the head of state, she was very glad to pay attention to her art. Arsine wants to meet the Armenian President. Perhaps this little artist will become a symbol of friendship and rapprochement of cultures of two different nations and states. After all, she absorbed the culture and traditions of two nations.
The future belongs to the youth. I would like all children to grow up in an atmosphere of love and friendship, and wherever they are living, they should feel sincere joy and delight when they meet with the president, as happened with Arsine at the meeting with the President of Estonia, Kersti Kaljulaid.