Films for Armenia-Turkey Cinema Platform in 2018 may now be submitted
Established in 2009 by the Golden Apricot Fund for the Development of Cinema and Anadolu Kultur, the Armenia-Turkey Cinema Platform supports the development of joint film production in Armenia and Turkey and serves as a working platform for cinematographers of both countries. The ATCP is called for inter-ethnic, multifaceted cultural cooperation, cultural exchange, the organizing of professional courses and the dissemination of knowledge.
Since its inception, the ATCP has helped produce 24 short films and documentary films, organized more than 270 interstate visits, as well as prepared and presented the first Armenian-Turkish cinema almanac. Today, the ATCP is a full-fledged professional network of more than 270 representatives from both countries. The films have been shown at several movie theaters and cultural centers and have become widely popular.
In 2018, the Armenia-Turkey Cinema Platform event will take place in Yerevan from July 10 to 11. The group of professionals will select 5 projects from Armenia and Turkey (or from the diasporas of the two countries).
After the workshop, the creator of the best project will receive 7,000 Euros.
Terms and conditions:
Short and documentary films may be presented;
Crew must include professionals from Armenia and Turkey;
Film must be a joint production
For more details about the ration of the joint film, visit the film production section on the Platform’s official website.
ATCP will cover the airfare and stay in Yerevan for only one representative (producer/co-producer or director) of each project
Working language of Platform: English (translator may be provided during presentation of the programs, but there will be no translation during the general workshop)
Shootings for award-winning films must be complete by September 2019
Participation in the Platform must be indicated in the captions in the participating films of the ATCP
To apply, click here.
The deadline for submission of applications is June 24, 2018.
The creators of the selected projects will be notified on June 30, 2018.
This event is being held as part of the “Support to the Armenia-Turkey Normalization Process” and with the financial support of the European Union and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Sweden.
Source: Ermenihaber