The Launching of the 37th Volume of the Haigazian Armenological Review
On Thursday, October 5, 2017, the 37th volume of the Haigazian Armenological Review was launched in Beirut in the presence of Armenian intellectuals, scholars and a host of guests.
At the center of the Haigazian University Auditorium the books of the late Fr. Antranik Granian, editor-in-chief of the Haigazian Armenological Review were exhibited. Fr. Granian had joined the university faculty in 1978. He headed the editorial board of the Review since 1990 and secured its regular publication with his prudent guidance. During his leadership both the content and qualitative depth of the Review were further enriched, thus making it one of the most sought for Armenian studies periodicals.
The ceremony started with the opening words of Dr. Nanor Karageozian, Director of the Armenian Department of Haigazian University. Dr. Karageozian welcomed the audience and grieved that she joined the Review editorial board lately, and had barely collaborated with Fr. Granian, who passed away on September 27, 2017.
Dr. Karageozian shared with the audience the distinctive characteristics of the work mode and ethic of the editorial board of the Review. She stressed that “working collectively and benefiting from the skills of experts coming from various fields and backgrounds, and completing editing from a multifaceted perspective … are especially important in the field of Armenian Studies, where research is undertaken in numerous places around the world, is disseminated by means of multilingual publications and conferences, and is conducted through multidisciplinary efforts and communication among different experts.” Dr. Karageozian stated that, as a manifestation of that diversity, the 37th volume covers a wide range of topics in the form of 18 research articles, 5 investigative articles, 3 unpublished documents, 7 briefings, 6 book reviews and 16 obituaries. These are authored by 43 scholars coming from the Armenian Diaspora, the Republic of Armenia, and Artsakh.
Dr. Antranik Dakessian, the executive secretary of the Review conducted a power point presentation, which showed the path Fr. Granian had taken at Haigazian University in general and with the Haigazian Armenological Review in particular.
Dr. Vladimir Boghossian, the cultural attaché of the Embassy of the Republic of Armenia in Lebanon, mapped the educational and research centers of the Diaspora, briefed the historical development of the Armenian Studies and argued that the discipline should grow and develop in line with the needs and demands of the time. Dr. Boghossian emphasized the role Hiagazian University plays in the Diaspora, highlighted the contribution of Haigazian’s Armenian Department, the Derian Armenological Library and the Armenian Diaspora Research Center to the growth of Armenian Studies.
The President of Haigazian University, Rev. Dr. Paul Haidostian, commemorated late Fr. Granian, and mentioned that Fr. Granian’s presence had an ennobling, encouraging and advancing impact. Rev. Dr. Haidostian stressed that Armenian studies is a part of the Haigazian University mission, because “this discipline is science and science improves the performance of every Armenian.” He reminded that universities and contemporary civilizations cannot generate contemporary concepts, curricula and science without research and research centers.
Rev. Dr. Haidsotian noted that the Haigazian Armenological Review has become the main address to all those who publish papers in Western Armenian language. Dr. Haidostian thanked the editorial board of the Review and wished them success in their Armenological endeavor.
The ceremony was concluded with the cutting of the traditional cake.
It is worth mentioning that the Review has newly acquired its ISSN (2518-9697).