“Cross-Stones: The Witnesses of Our Centuries-Old History” knowledge competition held in New Julfa
On the evening of June 19, the Alenoush Terian Hall of the Armenian National Educational Complex in New Julfa hosted an exclusive knowledge competition entitled “Cross-Stones: The Witnesses of Our Centuries-Old History”.
The competition was the initiative of the religious council of the Armenian Diocese of Isfahan and was held with the participation of the 7th, 8th and 9th graders of the Kananian All-Girls School and Katarinian All-Boys’ School of the Educational Complex who were represented in 12 groups, including Artsakh, Nairi, Musaler, Kars, Gugark, Garni, Erebouni, Urartu, Ani, Haik, Argishti and Taron.
As reported Yeranoush Tahmazian to Hayern Aysor from New Julfa, the Haik, Nairi and Urartu groups, which had scored the most points, competed in the final stage, and Nairi won. At the end of the competition, chairman of the religious council Varouj Movsisian gave a speech in which he expressed gratitude and congratulatory remarks to the Schools’ representatives, teachers, parents’ councils, the jury, the Master of Ceremonies and students for cooperating unconditionally in making the event a success. In his closing speech, spiritual superintendent of the city of Shahinshahr, Supreme Archimandrite Anania Gujanyan expressed words of encouragement and satisfaction to the religious council of the Armenian Diocese of Isfahan for the great idea of placing a cross-stone within the Holy Savior Monastery and organizing a knowledge competition devoted to cross-stones and expressed his joy for the fact that the students were well-prepared. He also encouraged those who helped make the event a success.
Afterwards, the religious council granted mementos to the members of the winning group as a token of gratitude and appreciation. It also granted certificates of appreciation to the members of all the groups and the jury.
Let us add that the jury comprised Father Anania Gujanian, Deputy Superintendent of Kananian School Rima Simonian, the Educational Complex’s librarian Karin Ter-Martirosian, teacher Seda Dilanchian and Syune Minasian. The Master of Ceremonies was Lernik Tsatoorian.