Hranush Hakobyan: “An Armenian woman is the guarantee for the existence of the Armenian nation”

On March 6, the vestibule of the Faculty of Armenian Philology at Yerevan State University hosted the opening ceremony of the “Breath of Syrian-Armenian Culture in Yerevan” charity exhibition-sale dedicated to International Women’s Day. The charity exhibition-sale is organized by the RA Ministry of Diaspora and the Center for Coordination of Syrian-Armenians’ Issues NGO.

According to an already established tradition, the opening ceremony of the exhibition-sale is conducted by RA Minister of Diaspora Hranush Hakobyan, who gave an interview to Hayern Aysor.

Hayern Aysor: Mrs. Hakobyan, how would you describe these exhibition-sales?

Hranush Hakobyan: For the past five consecutive years, the RA Ministry of Diaspora has been organizing the exhibition-sales showcasing the handicraft items, jewels, pastries and other dishes made by Syrian-Armenians living in Armenia. The exhibition-sales are dedicated to church and national holidays and are held on other occasions a couple of times throughout the year.

Through these exhibition-sales, we first and foremost want the Syrian-Armenians to become recognized in Armenia, become integrated into society and present their hand-made works to the public at large. We also want to help them mitigate their worries in some way.

We organize the events devoted to the works of the talented, skillful, creative and well-organized Syrian-Armenians with great pleasure.

Hayern Aysor: Is the number of participants growing?

Hranush Hakobyan: The Syrian-Armenian participants are not only growing in number, but they are also showing active participation. One can see this by touring the pavilions. There are more than 60 Syrian-Armenians participating in the exhibition.

This means that being engaged in such initiatives is to the benefit of the Syrian-Armenians. Most of them have solved their problem with employment and have started businesses. This is very essential and inspiring.

I want the Syrian-Armenians to always care about and be dedicated to their jobs. One can feel that they love what they do.

Hayern Aysor: I noticed that you purchased certain dishes as you were touring the pavilions. Which Syrian-Armenian dishes do you prefer?

Hranush Hakobyan: The pastries, the various types of meats and especially the chicken appetizers are very tasty. I also prefer the pizza that Syrian-Armenians make with unique spices.

Hayern Aysor: Mrs. Hakobyan, what is your wish to our lovely Armenian women of Armenia and the Diaspora on the occasion of International Women’s Day?

Hranush Hakobyan: I warmly and cordially congratulate our Armenian women, mothers and sisters. An Armenian woman is the pillar and protector of the home and the guarantee for the existence of the Armenian nation. An Armenian woman is the one who is capable of maintaining the warmth of the family and providing her children with an Armenian education and upbringing and raising them to become dignified Armenians.

Armenian women of the Diaspora deserve more respect, and I especially congratulate them. After all, they teach their children the Armenian alphabet abroad.

They do the impossible to preserve the Armenian identity. Of course, the Armenian Apostolic Church, as well as Armenian national, cultural and other organizations do a tremendous job, but if Diaspora Armenian women don’t take their children to an Armenian school, the preservation of their Armenian identity will be called into question in the future.

I wish Armenian mothers and sisters peace and patience, which are the most important things. To the mothers whose sons are serving in the Armenian Army, I wish them will and courage. Let them be rest assured that their eagles will definitely return home and will be stronger, more mature and willful, just like they are defending the borders of our country as we speak.

Gevorg Chichyan

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