Food Assistance Program for nearly 5,000 Syrian-Armenians to be launched in Armenia

Within the scope of the Memorandum of Mutual Understanding signed between the RA Ministry of Diaspora and the United Nations World Food Programme as a result of the bilateral cooperation, the Food Assistance Program for nearly 5,000 Syrian-Armenians in Armenia will be launched on November 20 at 12 :00 (Address : 20 Charents).

Within the scope of the program funded by the Government of the Russian Federation, each Syrian-Armenian will receive 16.2 kg of food per month for six months.

The preparation activities were carried out through the close collaboration between the United Nations World Food Programme, the RA Ministry of Diaspora, partners of the United Nations, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Armenia and non-governmental organizations, including Mission Armenia, the Armenian Relief Society, etc.

The partnering organization in charge of implementing the program is the Center for Coordination of Syrian-Armenians’ Issues NGO, which will be providing the assistance to registered Syrian-Armenian beneficiaries.


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