Exhibition devoted to Armenia opens in Cairo with title “Pictures and Stories from the Land of Legends”

“Pictures and Stories from the Land of Legends”-this is the title of the exhibition through which Egyptian artist Riham Afifi is sharing her impressions of her visit to Armenia at Picasso Hall in Cairo.
Afifi visited Armenia to participate in the events dedicated to the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide. She says what she saw shocked her inner world and started painting to share her impressions.
“I fell in love with Armenia and its culture. I hope each visitor loves my paintings as much as I love Armenia. I want to draw everyone’s attention to Armenia’s history and experience because there is a lot to learn from that history and experience.”
Nature, monuments, images of Yerevan-this is all portrayed in the 80 paintings of Riham Afifi.
Myriam Zaki, who is one of the creators of the documentary film “Who Killed the Armenians?” and received the Presidential Prize of the Republic of Armenia for the film, says Riham feels the same way about Armenian culture as she does about her own culture.
“Riham Afifi never does anything as an obligation or because she has been asked to do it. She does what she believes in. She has faith in Armenia, the Armenians, their history, heritage and culture. That is why Riham wants to let the world know how important it is to know each other, accept each other and pave the way to the future. She is disseminating humanitarianism with her potential, work and talent.”
Afifi has dedicated her exhibition to the 25th anniversary of Armenia’s Independence.
Afifi also showcased her English-language album entitled “Pictures and Stories from the Land of Legends”. There are texts and references to Armenian writers underneath the pictures. All proceeds from the sales of the book and paintings will go to the Long Live Egypt Foundation for the implementation of educational programs.
“Before and after 1915, Egypt has received Armenian migrants with open arms, providing them with homes and ensuring their welfare. This is a way of showing gratitude to the friendly people and government of Egypt,” member of the ARF-D Armenian National Committee of Egypt Armen Mazloumian told yerkirmedia.am.