Forum held in Strasbourg

The final forum of the No Online Hate Speech Movement was held in Strasbourg on 7-9 November and was officially opened by RA Permanent Representative to the CoE, Head of the Delegates to the CoE Ministers Armen Papikyan and Deputy Secretary General of the Council of Europe Gabriella Battaini Dragon.

Addressing the gathered, speaking on behalf of Chairman of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, RA Minister of Foreign Affairs Edward Nalbandyan, Armen Papikyan touched upon the Council of Europe’s actions for the fight against hatred and particularly attached importance to the youth movement for the fight against online hate speech. Papikyan affirmed Armenia’s willingness to consistently support the events organized on the sidelines of that movement commended this program initiated by CE Secretary General Thorbjorn Jaglan.  The youth program is included in the series of priorities of the Armenian chairmanship of the CoE and helps increase political visibility of the program. The participants of the high-level forum “Fight against Discrimination, Xenophobia and Intolerance in Europe” held on the sidelines of the Armenian chairmanship of the CoE attached special importance to this movement, which promotes the spread of this movement across Europe, reports the RA MFA press office.

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