Accused on trial over Dink’s murder appointed Chief of Police

Engin Dinc, one of the accused on trial over the murder of former editor-in-chief of Istanbul’s Agos Armenian Weekly Hrant Dink, has been appointed Chief of Police of Eskishehir.
As reported Agos, Engin Dinc, who was Head of the Intelligence Division of the Police of Trabizon during the murder of Dink, is engaged in the trial over the murder of Hrant Dink as the accused on trial. The Turkish government hasn’t taken into consideration the fact that prosecutors demand 15-22 years of imprisonment for Engin Dinc and has appointed him the head of police of the Eskishehir state.
Let us mention that before the murder of Hrant Dink, the intelligence of Trabizon had prepared a report stating that Yasin Haial and the others were preparing to kill Hrant Dink, and Engin Dinc’s signature can be seen in the report.