Las Vegas Armenians Celebrate 25 Years of an Independent Armenia

In a blink of the eye, the Las Vegas Armenian-American community has grown to be greater than what one could have ever imagined.  The community came together on Oct. 1 at the Clark County Library Theater to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the independence of Armenia.

Honorary Consul General of Armenia Andy Adroushan Armenian stated that Armenians have been documented in the Las Vegas school district as early as 1924. In that short time not only were three churches established (two with physical buildings), but also 12 organizations function in the area, which strengthen and build the small, yet active community every day.

In his address, His Excellency Ambassador Grigor Hovhannissian explained that the nation of Armenia needs its sons and daughters to be active in their local communities, and that is what we witnessed today.

The amount of unfamiliar faces was proof of a growing community, more established than ever, celebrating 25 years of Armenia’s independence. Sarkis Kotanjyan, Executive Director of Armenia Fund, expressed the importance of the diaspora’s aid, not only monetarily with the upcoming Armenia Fund Telethon but in raising awareness and providing encouragement to our soldiers.

Witnessing the life, energy, and inspiration in the room, Chief of Protocol for the City of Las Vegas, Gayle Anderson said, “I’ve never been to Armenia, but I feel like I’ve experienced it.”


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