Lebanon’s Aztag Daily issues Special Edition dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Armenia’s Independence

According to Hayern Aysor, Lebanon’s Aztag Daily has issued a Special Edition dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Armenia.

H. Havatian, S. Mahserejian, V. Avakian, Ar. Shahbazian, Y. Havatian, S. Boyajian, J. Hagopian, H. Balian, V. Armen, H. Eskijian, G. Hakobjian, H. Avetanian, Yegh, Tashjian, K. V. Manjigian, H. Barazian, A. Katrjian, H. Chekijian, D. Melikian, Dr. H. Jepejian, B. Shahmelikian, Fr. Archimandrite Barsegh Baghdasarian, S. Pilavjian, L. Miskarian-Minasian, Dr. T. Pilavjian and M. Bertizlian have published various articles devoted to the symbol of reestablishment of independence, consolidation of the potential of all Armenians, the establishment of national statehood, the achievements that the Republic of Armenia made and the challenges that it resisted over the past 25 years and Independence..

The editor of Aztag Daily’s Special Edition is Arsho Balian.

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