The “Artsakank” Monthly of Cyprus Always Distinguished Itself with Interesting and Quality Articles: Hranoush Hakobyan

Republic of Armenia’s Minister of Diaspora Hranoush Hakobyan’s congratulatory letter on the 35-th anniversary of the “Artsakank” monthly of Cyprus
Dear Mr. Tavitian,
Dear members of “Artsakank” monthly’s editorial board,
On behalf of ROA’s Ministry of Diaspora and myself, I warmly congratulate you on the 35-th anniversary of Cyprus’s “Artsakank” monthly.
“Artsakank” is one of the exceptional diasporan news outlets, that despite going through a multitude of difficulties not only persisted but succeeded in progressing and playing a key role in the preservation of the identity of the Armenian community of Cyprus and the dissemination of the Armenian language.
We are closely following almost all the articles published by the monthly and I can confidently note, that “Artsakank” always distinguished itself with interesting and quality articles, providing wide coverage of the developments within the Armenian community of Cyprus, Armenia as well as the various diasporan communities.
I would also like to express my gratitude to all the past editors, contributors and sponsors of the monthly. It was thanks to their relentless efforts and continuous labor that the news outlet survived and already has its unique and beautiful signature.
I am confident that the current editorial board of the monthly still has a lot to do to cover and present the Armenian nation’s present and past to vast Armenian circles. At the same time, I am convinced, that you will direct your enthusiasm and active efforts towards the realization of our collective goals.
I congratulate you one more time on this beautiful jubilee and wish you all renewed successes, multiple achievements and a will to continue your patriotic deed.