Note of a repatriate family: “We are leaving to live in the country that gives us oxygen”

According to Hayern Aysor, Nelly Shushi Martirosyan wrote the following on her Facebook page:

“Dear Mom, don’t cry! I am leaving to live in the country where my heart belongs. I am leaving to live in the country that gives me oxygen. How can one live without oxygen? I want to be alive. You know that I started a family and achieved all that I wanted to achieve in the USA before my return over the past 17 years.

However, there was an irreplaceable gap in my life, and it is the gap of Armenia. I can feel the gap in my life and in Stepan’s life every day and every hour. We are leaving because Armenia is the only place on the face of the Earth where our family can be fully happy.

We are leaving for the country that over 100 brave people protected by risking their LIVES just a couple of months ago. We owe it to those deceased boys. We need to continue what they started. They are defending so that we can build, dear Mom.”

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