French Ambassador: Establishment of investigation mechanism is underway

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of France to the Republic of Armenia Jean-Francois Charpentier stated today that efforts are being made in the OSCE format to establish the incident investigation mechanism for ceasefire violations at the NK-Azerbaijan Line of contact.

According to, ambassador told journalists in Yerevan that to his knowledge, efforts to create and introduce this mechanism are underway now.

“This was not mentioned in the statement on the meeting of Armenian, Azerbaijani and Russian Presidents in St. Petersburg, but that doesn’t mean we don’t work in this direction,” said Jean-Francois Charpentier.

According to Ambassador, implementation of the investigation mechanism and efforts of building trust were a priority subject of discussion at the meeting on May16 in Vienna.

“This is a key issue for us, as it will allow to build trust. This entails expansion of the Office of the Personal Representative of the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office Andrzej Kasprzyk, and introduction of the investigation mechanism on the entire length of the Line of Contact, which will allow to shed light on the incidents of the four-day war of April. Therefore, implementation of this mechanism has our full support,” said Ambassador.

While commenting on Sargsyan-Putin-Aliyev meeting that took place yesterday in St. Petersburg, Jean-Francois Charpentier considered it “a good initiative and a good sign”.

In his answer to the question whether Russia was trying to show its dominant role in the resolution of the NK conflict by organizing this meeting, Ambassador said:

“We do not perceive it that way. The OSCE Minks Group Co-Chairs’ work is well-arranged, and they maintain a continuous dialogue. One of the Co-Chair states takes initiative from time to time. For instance, the meeting that took place last month in Vienna was initiated by the US party. All displays of good will aimed on resolution of the conflict are welcome.”

Ambassador added that France continually expressed readiness to host negotiations on settlement of the NK conflict.

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