Paylan’s response to proposal for Turkey’s recognition of Namibia genocide

During a Turkish television program, Member of Turkey’s Democratic Party of Nations (HDP), Member of Parliament Garo Paylan touched upon the proposal of a Member of Parliament of the ruling political party, according to which Turkey must recognize the Namibia genocide perpetrated by Germany, as reported

A couple of days ago, Member of Parliament, representative of the ruling Justice and Development Party Metin Külünk declared that he was preparing to submit to the parliament a draft law on recognizing the 1904-07 Namibia genocide.

The MP is doing this in response to recognition by the German Bundestag of the Armenian Genocide perpetrated in the Ottoman Empire in 1915.

Paylan stated that even though the deputy’s initiative comes late since Germany has already recognized the Namibia genocide and has apologized for that, he and all the members of the HDP are ready to vote in favor of the draft law right after it is introduced in parliament.

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