Minister of Diaspora: “Armenia must always be present within the community”

On June 3, RA Minister of Diaspora Hranush Hakobyan received Director of Luys Armenian Cultural Center of the Uzbek city of Samarghand Armen Der-Avanesyants.

The Minister of Diaspora congratulated the guest on obtaining the passport of a citizen of the Republic of Armenia on 2 June and stated that no other event or gift is more important for an Armenian than obtaining that passport. “I congratulate you. I want that to fill your soul with more warmth. A passport is the first indicator for becoming an Armenian. Maintain strong ties with the Homeland. You have to come and see Armenia. Listening and dreaming about Armenia is not enough. You have to stand on this land to understand that this is your land and this is where your ancestors are buried. Participate in our programs, speak in Armenian and be proud to be Armenian. Preserve our national traditions, as well as rituals and holidays. Armenia must always be present within the community,” the Minister particularly mentioned.

Since 2009, Armen Der-Avanesyants has been the director of the Luys Armenian Cultural Center of Samarghand and tries to consolidate the members of the community around the Armenian Church (the only Armenian church in Central Asia) and the cultural center. He learned Armenian from his grandmother and local Armenian priests.

After the declaration of independence of Uzbekistan, the Armenian Church of Samarghand was returned to the community. The local Armenian Sunday school and the Nayiri Dance Ensemble are part of the cultural center.

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