Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian Re-Elected Prelate For A Sixth Term

New Religious And Executive Councils Elected $75,000 Pledged To Artsakh

On Friday, May 20, the Western Prelacy 44th Representatives Assembly convened at the “Dikran and Zarouhie Der Ghazarian” Hall presided by Western Prelate Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian. Over the two days, the Assembly reviewed and assessed the endeavors of the Prelate and Religious and Executive Councils in the past term and drafted the activities of the coming term. Also on the agenda was the election of the Prelate and Religious and Executive Councils.

Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian was re-elected Prelate for a sixth four-year term. The new Councils were elected as follows:

Religious Council

– Very Rev. Fr. Muron Aznikian

– Very Rev. Fr. Dajad Ashekian

– Very Rev. Fr. Barouyr Shernezian

– Archpriest Fr. Vicken Vassilian

– Archpriest Fr. Razmig Khatchadourian

– Rev. Fr. Ardak Demirjian

– Rev. Fr. Karekin Bedourian

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