Letter condemning attack on Garo Paylan in Turkey submitted to Mejlis chairman

The Istanbul Branch of the Human Rights Association Union of Turkey has sent a letter to the chairman of the Turkish Mejlis condemning the attack against Garo Paylan.

As reported Etha website, the letter of the Istanbul Branch of the Human Rights Association of Turkey states that the Union strictly condemns targeting Garo Paylan and attacking him because of his Armenian identity.

The letter emphasizes that the May 2 attacks that the deputies of the ruling political party made against Kurdish and Armenian deputies in the Turkish parliament were not only acts of violence, but also an offense on the ground of hatred and racism. “While physically attacking Armenian Deputy Garo Paylan, they also offended his Armenian identity by calling him “the spawn of an Armenian”.

As human rights activists, we call on you to perform your duties, that is, condemn the incident and not allow such attacks in the future,” the letter states.

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