Azerbaijan continues to violate the agreement, killing and wounding more Armenian soldiers

On the night of 7 April, Azerbaijan continued to violate the ceasefire agreement along the entire length of the Nagorno-Karabakh-Azerbaijan line of contact, firing more than 2,000 shots with types of rifles of different diameters and applying a 60 mm mortar (2 projectiles). More intense violations were recorded in the northern (Talish) direction of the line of contact, killing contractual serviceman, Private Hrach Muradyan (born in 1983). There are also wounded servicemen.
In the northeastern sector of the frontline, in circumstances that have not been fully clarified, Private Ashot Mghdesyan (born in 1996) received a fatal injury. Investigation is being carried out to clarify the details of the incident. The Ministry of Defense of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic shares the sorrow for the loss and expresses its support to the families, relatives and fellow servicemen of the victims.