Romanian-Armenian community strictly condemns Azerbaijan’s aggression

On April 4, the Armenian community of Romania issued a statement strictly condemning the unprecedented aggression against Nagorno-Karabakh.

The joint statement of the Union of Armenians of Romania and the Armenian Diocese of Romania is addressed to the Romanian authorities and particularly reads as follows:

“The Armenian community of Romania expresses deep concern about and strictly condemns the large-scale military attacks that Azerbaijan has been making along the entire length of the borders of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic since 2 April 2016 to this day and that were unprecedented since the ceasefire established in 1994.

Dozens of servicemen and civilians have been killed and injured, including children. In relation to this, the Union of Armenians of Romania and the Armenian Diocese express deep sorrow to the relatives and close ones of the innocent victims and share their pain for the losses.

We regret to state that to this day, the international community has preferred to balance the parties, has avoided addressing its criticism and has failed to make persistent calls to Azerbaijan for restraint when touching upon the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, creating the impression that Azerbaijan can take any action. The fact that it is the leadership of Azerbaijan that has always and consistently made belligerent and warlike calls and declarations and has even used the international platforms for its racist and anti-Armenian propaganda has been ignored.

Thus, we call on the Romanian authorities, European and international authorities to decisively condemn Azerbaijan’s provocative actions for the loss of tens of hundreds of human lives, including the deaths of peaceful civilians.

The people of Nagorno-Karabakh, which was annexed to Azerbaijan by Stalin’s whimsical decision, made the decision to live freely 25 years ago, based on the right of nations to self-determination, which is a fundamental principle of international law.

Thus, the Union of Armenians of Romania and the Armenian Diocese, as well as the whole Armenian community of Romania support the sovereign Nagorno-Karabakh Republic and its people in their struggle for freedom and in their efforts to build a peaceful, safe and prosperous country.”

The Armenian Diocese of Romania and the Union of Armenians of Romania have also addressed the higher secular and mundane authorities of Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh with calls for support.

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