French artist Hélène Segara prays for Armenian soldiers

The situation in Nagorno Karabakh is the main subject not only for Armenians, but also people living abroad. A lot of celebrities have already expressed their concerns on this topic joining the actions against Azerbaijan. Famous reality show stars Kardashian sisters have expressed their support to Armenia. French singer, famous artist Hélène Segara also prays for Armenian soldiers. She posted Armenian flag photo on her Facebook.

”Since yesterday evening, Azerbaijan and the kharabargh, are at war… Civilians and children were killed. All this without that our media say and in the indifference of a lot… My heart breaks to see that the history keeps repeating itself for too long… Please my friends, post on your walls so that people know…Stop the barbarity there and elsewhere. That the darkness doesn’t win on the light…


I don’t do politics, because it is too often for this last that everything is confused in this world. But see the humans will destroy everywhere on this planet. See this world that bleeds. And hate speech of some that are circulating on the net, it’s sad… Continue, don’t grow up, don’t stop the hatred violence. And all future will compromise for each one of us. Where we were coming and whatever the God that we pretend to pray…

When the people of human will be t he kingdom? #PrayForArmenianSoldiers”,- Segara wrote.soldiers.html#sthash.W22aqFNL.dpuf

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