RA Ministry of Diaspora hosted lecture on “Diaspora Engagement Strategies”

On February 2, Director of Ireland’s Diaspora Matters Ltd Kingsley Aikins delivered a lecture on “Diaspora Engagement Strategies” for the staff of the RA Ministry of Diaspora. The EU-funded lecture was organized by the UNICEF, the RA Ministry of Diaspora and Mission East.

RA Minister of Diaspora Hranush Hakobyan welcomed the guest and expressed gratitude to the Office of the UNICEF in Armenia for organizing and hosting the lecture. The minister mentioned that the Irish guest lecturer is an international expert and that his organization is an advisory organization that provides governments, organizations and individuals with guidance in solving Diaspora-related issues. “I believe his studies, experience and observations can be useful for us as well,” the minister mentioned.

Kingsley Aikins presented the unique format for Diaspora engagement in Irish economy and business and mentioned the key factors for achieving success, the reasons behind the failure of the Diaspora’s initiatives, as well as the potential challenges and flaws. Aikins also said it was important for countries to examine the problems of the Diaspora, especially the development of economy, the growth of businesses and the creation of jobs.

Aikins attached importance to networking, confidence-building, listening to the Diaspora, flexibility and a clearly oriented strategy. He mentioned that work with the next generation, that is, the youth, the youth’s involvement in programs and a special strategy on activities with elders are necessary in order to achieve success. According to him, the problems facing Diasporas are becoming more and more important for states and governments. “Every country has Diaspora capital at different levels, and that Diaspora is composed of people, networks, relations, finances and ideas,” Kingsley Aikins noted.

All the issues were recapped during active discussions. The participants of the event made interesting proposals and indicated the steps that needed to be taken.

In 2011, Executive Director of Diaspora Matters Ltd Kingsley Aikins published a handbook devoted to the strategy on the global Diaspora. In 2012, he delivered a lecture during the Global Diaspora Forum organized by Hillary Clinton in Washington D.C. In 2013, he spearheaded the Global Diaspora Forum held in Dublin.

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