Activities carried out by the RA Ministry of Diaspora in 2015

Hayern Aysor presents the report on the activities carried out by the RA Ministry of Diaspora to implement the 2015 Action Plan of the Government of the Republic of Armenia and meet the key objectives.
Key Objectives:
1. Coordinating the Activities and Implementing the Programs of Armenian Genocide Centennial Regional Committees
The RA Ministry of Diaspora has participated in the all the preparations for and in all the efforts aimed at organizing the sessions of the State Commission on Coordination of the events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. In particular, it has ensured the participation of the Diaspora Armenia members of the State Commission and the chairpersons (representatives) of the Armenian Genocide Centennial Regional Committees in the sessions of the Commission. It has also participated in the preparation and dissemination of the necessary informational and advocacy materials (to this day, there are 61 Armenian Genocide Centennial Regional Committees in 50 countries around the world).
The Regional Committees, with the support of the RA Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Diaspora and in association with state, governmental and local government bodies, Diaspora Armenian organizations and lobbying and non-governmental organizations, have worked consistently and in a coordinated manner, making a great contribution to international recognition of the Armenian Genocide.
From April 22 to 23, Yerevan hosted the global forum titled “Against the Crime of Genocide”, which was held as part of the programs of the State Commission on Coordination of the events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. The RA Ministry of Diaspora organized an international conference, which was titled “International Legal Issues on the Prevention of and Liability for the Crime of Genocide” and held as part of the global forum.
2. Implementing Programs for the Integration of Diaspora Armenians in Armenia
Several legal, social, health-related and educational issues facing Syrian-Armenians and Iraqi-Armenians in Armenia have been solved, cultural events, summer camping events, year-end events, as well as Western Armenian and Russian language courses have been organized within the scope of the “Organizing the Process of Integration of Diaspora Armenians” Program.
3. Disseminating the Armenian Language and Raising the Level of Armenian Language Proficiency of Armenian youth, Including Through the Application of Innovative Mechanisms
To meet this key objective, actions have been taken within the scope of several programs. The RA Ministry of Diaspora helped broadcast Armenian language lessons on television in Armenian communities through the “Armenian Language TV School” Program, continued to enlarge the Eastern Armenian-Western Armenian and Western Armenian-Eastern Armenian converter, provided nearly 46,000 instructional materials to educational institutions of the Diaspora, helped open 15 new Armenian one-day schools, organized a conference on “Issues of Convergence between Western Armenian and Eastern Armenian” and a youth reunion titled “Future”, helped organize trainings for Armenian language teachers in Australia, hosted teleconferences devoted to various educational issues, etc.
4. Expansion and Development of Cooperation with Pan-Armenian Structures and Organizations
In 2015, the RA Ministry of Diaspora signed two agreements on cooperation with pan-Armenian organizations, including the ARS and the Union of Volunteer Land Defenders NGO. New agreements are being drafted. Programs for cooperation have been expanded and deepened within the scope of memoranda previously signed with several organizations. Several joint events have been held within the scope of signed agreements.
Measures for Activities
1. The plan and list of actions for the 2015 “Ari Tun” Program for homeland recognition of Diaspora Armenian youth were approved by Protocol Decision N 11 of the Government of the Republic of Armenia during the session of 10 March 2015.
2. The plan for the 2015 “Diaspora” Summer School Program was approved by Protocol Decision N 11 of the Government of the Republic of Armenia during the session of 10 March 2015.
3. The plan and list of actions for the 2015 “We Sing Komitas” Pan-Armenian Festival were approved by Protocol Decision N 14 of the Government of the Republic of Armenia during the session of 2 April 2015.