Vice President of Armenia National Assembly visits Armenian church in Riga

Vice President of the National Assembly, Head of ArmeniaLatvia Parliamentary Friendship Group Eduard Sharmazanov, who is on an official visit in the Republic of Latvia, visited Saint Gregory the Illuminator Armenian Church in Riga, accompanied by Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Armenia to Baltic States Ara Aivazian and the representatives of the Armenian community in Latvia.

As “Armenpress” was informed by the Staff of the Vice President of the National Assembly, Eduard Sharmazanov discussed with the representatives of the Armenian community the issues they are concerned about, as well as agenda issues of the Homeland and the Armenian people. Eduard Sharmazanov conferred Diplomas of the National Assembly to representatives of the Armenian community who had been most active during the organization of Riga events dedicated to the centennial of the Armenian Genocide.

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