Garo Paylan began speech in Turkish Mejlis with the Armenian “Barev” (Hello)

Istanbul-Armenian Garo Paylan, who was elected a deputy representing the pro-Kurdish Democratic Party of Nations of Turkey, began his speech in the Mejlis with “Barev Dzez” (Hello) in Armenian, writes

“Dear chairman, respectable deputies, barev dzez,” Paylan said and talked about the death of Turkish lawyer Tahir Elci, who was killed while giving a press conference in the Sur province of Diyarbakir on November 28. Describing Elci as “a Dove of Peace”, Paylan wished that the soul of Elci rested in peace and wished his family patience.

“Tahir Elci was a “Dove of Peace, just like Hrant Dink. Hrant Dink had talked about his worries for the “Dove” two days before his murder by saying the following: “Yes, I am worried about the “Dove”, but I know that nobody touches doves in this country.” While he was writing these words, the representatives of the Intelligence Division of the Department of Gendarmerie and Security of Turkey were seeing Ogyun Samast off in Trabizon. The other employees of the Intelligence Division greeted him in Istanbul an even escorted him on the day of the murder,” Paylan mentioned in his speech, adding that it is his party’s duty to clean the country from the dirt that has been around for the past 8 years now. “If we don’t do that, there will be more crimes. Concealing Dink’s murder is the reason why the crime was committed again, and another “dove of peace”, that is, Tahier Elci, was killed. Elci believed in peace, brotherhood, negotiations and democracy,” Paylan mentioned.

Paylan also strictly condemned the arrest of two journalists, including John Dyundar and Erdem Gul, who were arrested a couple of days ago.

“Unfortunately, Turkish state officials have been directly linked to many crimes that have taken place over the past 100 years, but none of them have been brought to justice. As long as crimes remain unpunished, they will be repeated,” Paylan said.

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