Turkish Grey Wolves Killed Pilot From Downed Russian Jet

Southfront – New information adds a sinister twist to the attrocious shooting-down of the Russian frontline jet. Not only was the incident completely unprovoked and without warning, thus indicating that the Su-24M was effectively ambushed in a pre-meditated attack, but it has now emerged that the terrorists shooting at the pilots once they ejected from their stricken plane were led by a Turkish citizen. Their leader is a Turkish Grey Wolf member, a pan-Turkic organisation responsible for atrocities as far away as China and Thailand, and known for their involvment in Chechen terrorism.

This information supports analysis by several experts that the Turkmen are being utilised by Turkey to funnel crude from ISIS into Turkey, and terrorists from Turkey into Syria. President Putin warned the G20, ironically in Turkey, only a few days ago that he had information that individuals from the G20 were responsible for maintaining economic ties with ISIS (RT). Given that Erdogan has placed his own family members in high positions within the energy ministry (PressTV), it is not hard to guess that some, if not most, of these individuals are themselves Turkish ministers and high-ranking officials. We are not talking about a few barrels here but rather many millions of dollars of crude oil every month (IBT).

The prescence of Turkey’s own citizens in commanding roles within Syrian terrorist groups makes sense in light of these revelations. Whereas attempts to use the Turkmen by Turkey in Iraq were beset by problems, not least because those Turkmen are Shia and took that side in sectarian violence (Vox); the Turkmen in Syria are more pliable as they are Sunni and have clearly been infilitrated by Turkish citizens, and it helps that they are involved in a vastly profitable black market for oil.


This article appeared today in LiveLeak:

Alparslan Çelik is a citizen of Turkey, born in Turkey, Elazığ province, Keban district.

He is a member of the Turkey’s Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) and its associated paramilitary organization, the Grey Wolves (Bozkurt). The MHP and Grey Wolves are both Turkish nationalist and Islamist. Their ideology is a synthesis of Turkish ultra-nationalist fascism and Islamism. They massacred Kurdish and Alevi civilians numerous times in the 1970’s-1990s because they were non-Turkish and non-Sunni.

His father is also a member of the MHP and a former mayor of Keban. He is a relative of Ramazan Çelik who went to fight in Iraq.



This Turkish news article reported on his background and origins and verifies all the information I posted above. Run it through google translate if you can’t read Turkish.


He went to Syria to take command of a Turkmen Islamist rebel group and is the person in videos currently circulating around showing off the handles from the Russian navigator’s parachute. He boasted that he and his men were the ones who fired at and killed the Russian pilot Lt Col Oleg Peshkov and the other Russian pilot as they ejected and parachuted from their bomber jet which was shot down by the Turkish airforce.

He claims to have the bodies of the two Russians, the pilot Lt Col Oleg Peshkov is known to have been killed and his body was seen in the hands of the Turkmen in a video, but the fate of the other pilot is unverified.

The various news media showing the video of him all label him as a “Syrian Turkmen” rebel commander. He is not. Syrian Turkmens are ethnic Turks who are born in Syria and have Syrian citizenship. Alparslan Çelik was born in Turkey, has Turkish citizenship only and is a member of a Turkish political party, the MHP.

This the video and a photo still from it where he boasted to shooting at and killing the Russians while they were parachuting.





As you can see he tweeted a picture of MHP and Grey Wolves leader Alparslan Türkeş.


 Here he and his men in the Syrian Turkmen unit he is leading, make the hand gesture of the Grey Wolves while in Syria.


He retweeted someone else’s tweet showing this image of the Grey Wolves making their infamous hand gesture.


This is the Grey Wolves hand gesture.

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