Armenian diplomatic missions in Brussels have engaged in daily usual activities

Belgium’s national Crisis Center declared that November 23 will be under highest threat alert level (level 4), schools and universities will be closed. The metro will be shut and the railway stations will operate with some delays. It was announced that the EU institutions will be open.

“Armenpress” reports that Facebook page of Armenia Embassy to Belgium informs the abovementioned. Tigran Balayan, Spokesman of Foreign Affairs Ministry of Armenia, informs that Republic of Armenia diplomatic representations in Brussels: the Embassy to Belgium, diplomatic missions in EU and NATO have engaged in their daily activities. Currently activities connected with Islamist gunmen’s threat of terrorist attack are underway in Brussels. The police urged media not to inform about the details of those measures and also the locals not to write on social sites about the place of active engagement of the police.

Belgium Prime Minister Charles Michel announced earlier that terror alert status would remain at the highest level (level 4) in Brussels for at least one more day. In the remaining part of the country the level will be lowered to 3. According to PM, there are serious doubts that Paris terrorist attacks could repeat in the capital of Belgium.

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