Bagrat Estukyan: Turkey condemned itself by blockading Armenia

It is wrong to expect any progress in ArmenianTurkish relations in case of closed borders.

Bagrat Estukyan, executive editor of the Armenian section of Istanbul “Agos” newspaper, expressed such an opinion in his interview with “Armenpress” when referring to the reasons of the policy Turkey adopted toward Armenia and the problem of the future of ArmenianTurkish relations. In regards to Turkey’s closing the borders with Armenia after Armenia’s independence, Estukyan noted: “It is wrong closing the borders. They thought in Turkey that such a blockade during the Karabakh movement could bring Armenia to knees, but it did not happen: Today Armenia marks the 24th anniversary of its independence. Though Armenia is surrounded by enemies, it wasn’t brought to knees.” He notes that open borders could open economic perspectives also in favour of Turkey. For instance, Armenia could buy energy from Turkey or sell it to Turkey or gas, petrol pipelines could pass through Armenia.

He also added that without taking the latter into account, Turkey, being in anti­Armenian moods, took such a step only to cooperate with brotherly Azerbaijan and now it was very difficult for Turkey to end this. Thus, Turkey condemned itself with that decision. Estukyan also expressed confidence that Turkey should be the one to take a step to reconciliation. Araks Kasyan

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