Bako Sahakyan: Together we will implement numerous projects and definitely attain the realization of national goals

President Bako Sahakyan issued a congratulatory address on the occasion of the Day of the Republic of Artsakh.
“Dear compatriots,

On behalf of the authorities and personally myself I cordially congratulate you on the Day of the Artsakh Republic, a holiday of special significance in the life of our nation.
With the birth of the Artsakh Republic on September 2, 1991 the Armenian people had two free and independent states, the cherished for centuries vision, which had faced numerous challenges before reaching the current time, became reality.
It was a common human aspiration to live on the own land with the right of mastering our own destiny that is intrinsic to every nation.
Consolidating and joining our efforts we defended our national dignity and future in the battlefield, and have been building a democratic state with unshakable eagerness to become a full member of the international community.
It is a challenging and honorable path which we pass hand in hand with our sisters and brothers from Armenia and the Diaspora. Together we will implement numerous projects and definitely attain the realization of national goals.

Dear compatriots,

I congratulate you once again on this significant public holiday and wish peace and prosperity to your families and our precious and cherished Artsakh Republic,” the address reads.

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