Armenians of Belgium criticize resolution on Armenian Genocide

The Armenian community of Belgium is discontent with the resolution on the Armenian Genocide that was adopted by the Belgian Chamber of Representatives on Thursday, according to, Le Vif writes.

The Armenian community of Belgium, in particular, deplores the ambiguity of the text, particularly paragraph 2, which voices a request to the federal government “to recognize that today’s Turkey can not bear the historical and moral responsibility for the tragedy of the Armenians in the Ottoman Empire.”

“The Turkish authorities are based on denial – stubbornly denying the evidence of the Genocide of Armenians and Arameans and continue to praise the organizers,” says the statement issued by the Armenian and Aramean communities of Belgium.

The Armenian youth of Belgium also issued a statement expressing regret over the resolution and calling it a text of compromise, RTL reported.

As reported earlier, an Armenian Genocide resolution was adopted by a voting Thursday at the plenary session of the Chamber of Representatives of Belgium.

The opposition criticized resolution stating the need for more definite document, but voted for given the fact that the Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel recognized the Armenian Genocide on behalf of his government.

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