3,000-year-old residence and ancient Armenian inscription discovered in Dersim

A 3,000-year-old site and a stone with an Armenian inscription have been discovered near the city of Dersim (modern-day Tunceli) of the Tsopk state of Great Haik of Western Armenia.

This enormous ancient site of Dersim was discovered by researcher Serkan Erdogan (Eren University of Bitlis) and Director for Culture and Tourism of Tunceli Ismet Hakan Ulasoglu, reports armfvn.com, writes Worldbulletin.net.

The ancient site is the largest one in Dersim. It traces back to several periods in history, including the Stone Age, the period of the Kingdom of Van, the Hellenistic period and the Byzantine period. Discovering several materials, ceramic items, historic bridges and weighing devices, the archaeologist believes the territory has served as an industrial center in different periods of history. The size of the site is equal to the size of about three soccer fields.

In spite of the information about the size and great amount of materials, the media outlet doesn’t reflect on the photo of a stone found at the ancient site that it has found, portraying an ancient Armenian text inscribed on the stone.

Let us only mention that modern-day Tunijin is Dersim, which was part of the Tsopk province of Great Haik. It used to be under the dominance of the Byzantines, but later went under the dominance of the Seljuk Turks.

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