ARPA Institute Presentation On “Healing A Nation: Genocide Survivors and Their Generations’ by Dr. Maria Armoudian

7:30pm in The Aram and Anahis D. Boolghoorjian Hall of the Merdinian School 13330 Riverside Dr. Sherman Oaks, CA 91403

That which is “overwhelming and unnamable is passed on to those we are closest to. Our loved ones carry what we cannot,” say psychologists. Unresolved historical grief is passed on from generation to generation, becoming the burden carried by children of genocide survivors and their children on behalf of their parents or grandparents. With intergenerational trauma and grief, the children try to repair their parents’ or their grandparents’ experiences. The worst traumas are the unacknowledged ones, when perpetrators attempt to also destroy the very vital memory that is necessary to heal. In this talk, Dr. Maria Armoudian will give an overview of the literature on intergenerational trauma and grief, including the means to heal a nation that has been battered and scattered for 100+ years.

Maria Armoudian is the author of Kill the Messenger: The Media’s Role in the Fate of the World, a lecturer at the University of Auckland in New Zealand, the host and producer of the syndicated radio program, The Scholars’ Circle. Her articles have been published in the Columbia Journalism Review, New York Times Syndicate and the Los Angeles Times Syndicate, The New Zealand Herald, the Los Angeles Daily News, the Progressive,, and others. She is currently working on a book about war correspondents and the challenges they face in reporting from some of the world’s most perilous places.

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