Brazilian newspaper: Armenian playwright stages performance on Armenian Genocide

80 per cent of the performance staged in Brazil is based on real statements and documents, the Brazilian newspaper Brasileiros writes in an article dedicated to the performance ��?1915’ dedicated to the Armenian Genocide. The author of the performance written in São Paulo is the Armenian playwright Artur Haroyan, reports.

He left Armenia’s Vanadzor city for São Paulo in 2008 to work in the theatrical area, but especially to write a performance on the Genocide history of his nation, the newspaper writes.

In the beginning it was difficult to build the necessary plot. But Artur was not working alone. One of his chief helpers was his sister Milena Petrosyan, a historian who lives in Vanadzor. They talked on Skype for hours and exchanged emails continuously. Milena used the valuable stories of the heirs of the survivors.

80 per cent of what the public sees in the performance is based on real statements and documents. “Only this way I was able to express what I wanted in the performance,” Haroyan said.

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