Author of book “The Lark Farm” to receive award in Italy

One of the days of the literature awards in the Italian city of Ostana is going to be devoted to Armenia and the Armenian Genocide, reports, writes Reppublica newspaper’s editorial staff in Turin.

The event will be held from May 30 to June 2 and is traditionally devoted to books written in the mother language. Six award recipients will meet with readers and will present their books during plays and literary events.

“June 1st, which is the third day of the event, will be devoted to Armenia. One of the award recipients will be famous writer of Armenian descent, citizen of Padua Antonia Arslan. Italians know her for her famous studies on literature of the 19th-20th centuries. A couple of years ago, he had started translating the poems of Daniel Varoujan from Armenian into Italian. In 2004, he put the story of his family on paper and told about it via the novel entitled  “The Lark Farm”, which has been translated into 15 languages of the world. The homonymous film produced by the Brothers Taviani  will also be shown during the event,” writes the newspaper.

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