20.3% of Turks say Armenia is a dangerous country for Turkey
Based on the results of a survey conducted by the research center at Kadir Has University in Turkey, citizens of Turkey say the following are the major countries that pose a threat to Turkey:
- Israel (42.6%)
- USA (35.3%)
- Syria (22.1%)
- Armenia (20.3%)
The mentioned percentages are based on the results of a public opinion survey related to Turkey’s foreign policy.
Ermenihaber.am writes that, according to yenimesaj.com.tr, 1000 citizens at the age of 18 and above were asked questions regarding Turkey’s foreign policy in 26 Turkish states. Based on the answers, 20.3% of the participants of the survey say Armenia is a dangerous country for Turkey.
For comparison, let us mention that based on the results of a similar survey conducted in November 2013, only 7.2% of the participants had viewed Armenia as a dangerous country. Based on the same results, 32.4% of citizens of Turkey say the Turkish-Armenian border shouldn’t be opened under any conditions.
The study also showed that 51.9% of the participants of the survey view U.S.-Turkey relations as negative, and 32.6% say the U.S. is leading a colonial policy against Turkey.
Out of the surveyed, 47.6% say Turkey will never become a member of the European Union, and 79% are certain that third parties are disturbing Turkey from becoming a member of the European Union.