Hayastan All-Armenian Fund UK local chapter sponsored construction of kindergarten in Sasunik village

The construction of the kindergarten in Sasunik village of Armenia’s Aragatsotn Province was made possible under the sponsorship of the Hayastan All-Armenian Fund’s UK local chapter and was co-funded by the village council of Sasunik village.
In just a couple of days, the furbished kindergarten will open its doors for nearly 100 children.
The kindergarten is a gift that the villagers had been waiting for. According to head of the village Arman Margaryan, the village, which has a population of 4,000, hadn’t had a kindergarten since 1998. The classroom fit in the village school for pre-school children served as a pre-school, but smaller children were entirely deprived of the opportunity to go to kindergarten. Few people could afford to take their children to kindergarten.
“We won’t have to take our children to the kindergarten in Ashtarak anymore. It was hard in terms of time and money,” one of the young mothers of the village said as she shared her joy during our visit.
The British-Armenian community mainly carries out projects in the education and healthcare sectors. “It is the healthy mind and healthy body of our children that will ensure our country’s advancement,” says chairwoman of the UK local chapter, Mrs. Armine Karapeti, who has been making contributions to the homeland for many years.