Non-Armenians participated in Armenian Genocide commemorative event in Tehran

The board of education of the Armenian Diocese of Tehran organized a lecture devoted to the Armenian Genocide for Iranian superintendents of Armenian schools, various teachers and educators and non-Armenians. The event was part of the commemorative events dedicated to the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide.

According to Alik Daily, among those attending the event were Primate of the Armenian Diocese of Tehran, Father, Archbishop Sepuh Sarkisian, as well as members of the diocesan council and the Armenian Genocide Centennial Committee and national authorities. The event began with opening remarks by Talin Bandari, who mentioned that condemnation of the Armenian Genocide would prevent future genocides. The event included the screening of a documentary film and speeches devoted to genocides.

In his speech, MP Robert Beglaryan demanded justice and touched upon the crimes of ISIS, which Turkey and some countries support.

The event ended with a speech by Primate of the Armenian Diocese of Tehran, Father, Archbishop Sepuh Sarkisian, who touched upon the Canonization ceremony of Armenian martyrs at Holy Etchmiadzin on April 23 and added: “Besides the religious motives, the main motives behind the Armenian Genocide were more political.”

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