Armenian Genocide issue discussed during Turkish National Security Council’s session

The National Security Council of Turkey convened a session at the presidential palace. The session lasted 7 hours and was moderated by President of Turkey Recep Tayyib Erdogan.

According to the press release posted on the President’s official website, the issue of Gulen’s forces was on the agenda, writes The Gülen, which is referred to as the “Parallel State”, was viewed as a threat to Turkey’s national security and was included in the “Red Book” of dangers. The National Security Council prepared a package of proposals to be submitted to the government.

The session ended with the adoption of a statement in which the National Security Council also touched upon the issue of the Armenian Genocide, which was formulated as the events of 1915. According to the source, the statement read that the decisions taken by the parliaments of countries viewing the events of 1915 as genocide are far from the historical realities and pursue political interests. Therefore, such decisions mean nothing to Ankara in legal terms.

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