6 Turkish magazines cover the Armenian Genocide

The source has set aside 6 Turkish magazines that have covered the Armenian Cause.

As reported earlier, the Turkish #tarih and Evrensel Kültür magazines not only present the Great Catastrophe as genocide, but also criticize the Turkish government’s denial of it.

The “Society and Science” (Toplum ve Bilim), Birikim, Mesele and Atlas magazines have also covered the Armenian Cause.

The “Society and Science” (Toplum ve Bilim) magazine has issued a special issue dedicated to the Armenian Genocide Centennial.

The main article of the issue is entitled “1915-2015: Genocide/Confrontation/Liability”. The magazine also covers the children who become orphans after the Armenian Genocide and other topis.

Birikim magazine has provided wide coverage of the Armenian Genocide and has even presented it on the cover of the magazine. Ahmet Inesl’ article is entitled “Confronting The Genocide Is Required To Become Civilized”.

Mesele magazine has included the article “We Have To Put An End To Denial Already” by Agos Weekly’s editor-in-chief Edward Dandzigian and the article “Social Nature of Genocide” by Dogan Chetinkaya.

Atlas magazine has covered the Armenian Genocide with an article entitled “The Armenians of Turkey”.

At the same time, Turkey’s several nationalist sources continue to release articles denying the Armenian Genocide.

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