Lecture on “Nazism and Pan-Turkism: Comparative Approach” in Athens

On February 16, Greek-Armenian writer and publicist Hovsep Kasesian delivered a lecture on “Nazism and Pan-Turkism: Comparative Approach” in Nicea hall auditorium of Athens Municipality.

In his analyses for the Greek-speaking society, Hovsep Kasesian, secretary of the Center for Greek-Armenian Studies, Hayastan and New World weekly newspapers, gave explanations about the roots and essence of the political movements of Nazism and Turkism that perpetrated the two worst genocides of the 20th century. The speaker also talked about the differences between the two genocides and mentioned that if the Jews lost their lives and properties, Armenians lost much more and first and foremost their homeland.

“Any material and moral remuneration without return of lands to the Armenian nation would be incomplete and false,” Kasesian concluded.

The event was organized by the Center for Greek-Armenian Studies and the cultural center of Athens Municipality and was hosted by President of the Center for Greek-Armenian Studies Haig Gasarjian.


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