Hillary Clinton’s surprise revelation: “The U.S. government created DAHESH to tear the Middle East apart”

In the 8 February 2015 edition of El Talia News website it is mentioned that former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s book “Difficult Elections” came as a big surprise. In the book, Clinton confesses that the U.S. government created the “Islamic State of Iraq and Levant” (ISIL or DAHESH) in order to tear the Middle East apart.
On El Furat news portal it is emphasized that the former U.S. Secretary of State wrote the following in her memoirs: “When we started the war in Iraq, Libya and Syria, everything was going well. But suddenly, a revolution began in Egypt, and everything changed in 72 hours. On May 7, 2013, the declaration of the Islamic State was agreed. We were waiting for an announcement so that the U.S. and Europe could recognize it. I had visited 112 countries and had reached an agreement on recognition of the Islamic State right after declaration. Everything went downhill right in front of our eyes. We thought of applying force, but Egypt is not like Syria or Libya. Egypt has a large army, and the people stand by the army’s side.”
Hillary Clinton goes on: “The U.S. navy moved towards Alexandria when modern submarines suddenly appeared. When we tried to approach the Red Sea, Russian MIG planes surrounded us. Once again, the people of Egypt stood by the army’s side. Even Russia and China rejected this. Finally, our navy returned. To this day, we don’t know what to do with Egypt and its army.”
The former U.S. Secretary of State adds that if the U.S. applies force against Egypt, the latter will hurt the U.S., but she says letting Egypt run free is a big loss. “Egypt is the heart of the Arab and Muslim world. If we could seize Egypt via the “Islamic State” and tear the country apart, we would then have to move towards the Arab Gulf countries. The first country was Kuwait that we had to seize through our ally, the “Islam Brothers” grouping. The next was Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain and Oman. After all that, it would be possible to split the Arab World entirely, engaging Western Arab countries and Morocco in that process as well.
Thus, the entire region would be under U.S. control, especially the oil wells and harbors,” Hillary Clinton mentions.