RA Minister of Diaspora awards Sepuh Davtian and Yuri Navoyan

On May 29, RA Minister of Diaspora Hranush Hakobyan granted the Boghos Nubar Medal of the RA Ministry of Diaspora to Chairman of the Cyprus Committee of Hayastan All-Armenian Fund Sepuh Davtian and the Gold Medal of the RA Ministry of Diaspora to Armenian public and political figure, Head of the “Russian-Armenian Cooperation” Organization Yuri Navoyan.
Introducing Sepuh Davtyan, the minister particularly mentioned: “Davtian has spent his entire life in Cyprus and has made great contributions to the organizing, development, reinforcement and advancement of community life. Sepuh Davtian has made great contributions to the Armenian upbringing of Armenian youth in Cyprus. For the past six years, he has been a member of the board of trustees of “Narek” Schools.”
Expressing gratitude for the high award, Mr. Davtian said the award came as a surprise. “I have always believed that awards are granted to heroes. I have not achieved any endeavor, but I have always helped and served my nation all my life, and I will continue to serve my Homeland as long as I have the strength and ability to do so,” said Davtian.
Yuri Navoyan also expressed gratitude for the high award. “I am grateful for this moral appreciation. I accept it as a token of appreciation of the atmosphere in which cooperation has been created in Moscow.”
Summing up, the RA Minister of Diaspora mentioned: “You are the heroes of the struggle for the Armenian Cause and the restoration of our rights in our days. It is our duty to appreciate your efforts. Our issues must be the same, and we must solve our issues together.”