Farewell to Hrant Dink Armenian School

On April 26, the Armenian Evangelical Church of Gedikpasha hosted the farewell ceremony for the 9th graders of Hrant Dink Armenian School, that is, the Last Bell, under the direct supervision of homeroom teacher Anahit Petrosyan.

As reported Narine Soghomonyan to Hayern Aysor, in her opening remarks, the School’s Principal Heriknaz Avakian stated that even though it was hard to bid farewell to the beloved schoolchildren, she was happy and excited about the fact that they were going to visit Armenia, the homeland. During the event, the schoolchildren recalled their years at the school, starting from kindergarten and ending with the 9th grade. Songs and music were mixed with sadness and melancholy. The schoolchildren expressed their heartfelt words to their teachers and curators and members of the Armenian community of Istanbul whose combined efforts helped them receive an education far away from Armenia.

Mr. and Mrs. Horozoglus and the Dinks granted symbolic gifts. Raquel Dink gave an interesting speech in which she recalled how she had performed on the same stage when she was 8 years old. The schoolchildren asked Priest Shirvan for his patriarchal blessing, attaching importance to the symbol and lesson of that blessing in their lives.

The person who has played an unforgettable role is Reverend Krikor Agabaloglu, who has been hosting young Armenians and seeing them off for many years. What was especially influential was the end when the schoolchildren and volunteer dance instructor, Mr. Hakob sparked great excitement in the auditorium with their inspiring dance.

Our schoolchildren will soon leave for Armenia and receive their certificates after completing their final exams. May they have a safe trip to the homeland!

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