Gyumri greeted hero of the April war

With exultation, citizens of Gyumri greeted their fellow citizen Shuli Hakobyan, who fought heroically in the four-day Artsakh war, eliminated three of the opponent’s tanks with a Fagot at a distance of nearly 1,200 meters and suspended the opponent’s advancement on April 4. Shuli served in the military unit of the Defense Army in Mataghis as commander of the 1st fagot brigade of the 1st platoon of the anti-tank battery and senior sergeant.

Today, the hero of Gyumri who experienced the first blows and gave the first counterattack during the days of the war is talking about the past and the war that he saw at the age of 20. “The military operations were all of a sudden. We were at the military unit. In thirty minutes, we reached the nooks, and the bombardment began with the T-30, T-20 artillery canons and systems.”

According to Shuli Hakobyan, before the war, he and the soldiers couldn’t imagine what that was and there had been many times when they had told each other what they would do. Today, the soldier who became a hero while defending the homeland confesses. “A battle is such that if you don’t strike, they will strike you, then the people behind you and then your relatives. Understanding all this, we are all ready to go to the top of the trench and even run across the battlefield to reach their trenches and eliminate them, cause damage and retaliate.”

Shuli has returned home, but what he regrets the most is that the truly heroic boys can’t see and enjoy this great reception. “True, there are nice memories, but I lost many friends-in-combat. We fought side-by-side, but they are no longer with me. What they did were endeavors,” Shuli said and added that what he saw on the battlefield was a unique lesson in life, as reported

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