Armenian Genocide victims commemorated at Saint Nicholas de Fontvielle Church of Monaco

On November 22, leader of the Diocese of France of the Armenian Apostolic Church, Bishop Vahan Hovhannisyan served a Holy Mass at the Saint Nicholas de Fontvielle Church of Monaco. The Holy Mass was served on the sidelines of the events commemorating the Centennial of the Armenian Genocide.

As reports Hayern Aysor, among those attending the Holy Mass were RA Ambassador to France and to Monaco Vigen Chitechyan; Monaco’s Archbishop Bernard Barsi; State Secretary of Prince Albert II of Monaco, Jacques Buaso; Consul of the Republic of Armenia in Marseille Samvel Lalayan; spiritual father of the Armenian Apostolic Church in Alp Maritim, Var and Monaco, Friar Grigor Khachatryan; President of the Union of Armenians of Monaco Serge Fermanian, as well as the Union’s founding director Arev Martirosyan and representatives of the local Armenia community.

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