Armenia and China to sign agreement of establishing trade representations

An agreement of establishing bilateral trade representations will be signed by the Governments of the Republic of Armenia and the People’s Republic of China. The agreement was elaborated to strengthen trade relations and activate business initiatives between Armenia and China.

The draft bill is included in the agenda of August 31 session of the Government of the Republic of Armenia. “Armenpress” reports that the agreement is intended to establish a trade representation of the Republic of Armenia in China and respectively, a trade representation of PRC in the territory of Armenia. During the March 24­28 state visit of the President of the Republic of Armenia to China an agreement was reached to extend and deepen Armenian­Chinese trade and economic relations and create friendly environment for imports of goods, services, technologies and capital.

“In this context, establishment of trade representations will give an opportunity to better introduce the economic interests of the two countries. The establishment of trade representations will also give an opportunity to obtain information about the economic situation of China more operatively, as well as to report similar information to interested bodies of China”, reads the explanation of the draft

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