Armenian orgnizatinon petitions to cancel “Azerbaijani village” in Paris

Co-Chairs of the Co-ordination Council of Armenian organizations of France (CCAF) have sent a letter of protest with regard to the event “Azerbaijani village in the heart of Palais Royal,” which will be held by the 1st Arrodissement of Paris starting from September 3, according to, Nouvelles d’Arménie writes.

According to the administration of the Armenian organization, they are shocked about the fact that Azerbaijan will receive honors and that it is presented as a “land of tolerance” in the framework of the cruel repressions in the country and against the backdrop of outrageous threats to Armenia. They are asking the mayor to fully cancel the aforementioned event aimed at the Azerbaijani propaganda.

“This initiative shocks, but doesn’t surprise us, given the means that state uses to raise its image. In fact, it comes 125th among 180 countries in the corruption rating of Transparency International. It is worth knowing that the event is held two weeks after the human rights defender Leyla Yunus, awarded French Legion of Honor, was sentenced to 8,5 years of imprisonment,” the co-chairs said.

They also stressed that in that context, the respect to human rights and commitment to democratic and republican values must rouse caution with regard to Azerbaijan.

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