Armenian American ends 55-day fast

Glendale-based Aghasi Vardanyan has ended his fast. On April 4, he started a 55-day fast with the hope to draw the attention of the U.S. and Turkish governments to the Armenian Genocide.

During those 55 days, he was in a glass building adjacent to the Armenian church of Burbank.

Artsakhpress writes that according to, during those 55 days, the media didn’t pay much attention to Vardanyan, but the coverage in Armenian and California newspapers showed the effect that the fast had had on his body. Before starting the fast, the 55-year-old man weighed nearly 100 kg. However, 28 days later, he lost nearly 18 kg.

Vardanyan, who was under the supervision of a doctor and psychologist at all time, is still optimistic.

“I can’t interpret what Turkey and U.S. President Barack Obama are doing, but I can say that I’ll keep putting in my efforts,” he said.

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